There is imminent need to urgently protect present and future generations from the devastating health, social, environmental and economic consequences of smoking and consumption of tobacco and exposure to tobacco smoke.
14.6% of youth are addicted to smoking and other tobacco products and 30.2% of adults are exposed to passive smoking, of which both are equally dangerous. JVGCT having realized this have initiated an “anti smoking - anti tobacco & oral hygiene awareness campaign†among the school children. This campaign is focused on school children, where our project team visits the school, delivers a talk (interactive session) on smoking and tobacco usage followed by a screening of short film on the subject “My Dear Sonâ€. This film is directed and produced by Aswavedh Foundation on ill effects of smoking and parental support for the cause, followed by a question answer, where the children get to clarify their doubts and queries regarding this issue. After this, a pledge is taken by the students and a copy of pledge (for not smoking in life) signed by them is handed over. A student can carry home a signed pledge copy as reminder of their pledge and share it with their parents. Currently, this activity is happening in Maharashtra and West Bengal.
J.V. Gokal Charity Trust in association with Ashwavedh Foundation have initiated an “Anti-Smoking/Anti-Tobacco & Oral Hygiene†Awareness Campaign for disseminating information about negative consequences of smoking. JVGCT team uses school as a focal point to address this issue and believe that early stage sensitization among children can prevent the future loss of precious young generation. This awareness campaign is supported by VICCO Laboratories under it’s CSR initiative. During the financial year 2018-19, campaign reached out to more than 50 schools and 30,000+ children in Mumbai region and West Bengal.